Based on refrigerator’s energy consumption and its actual storage space, various applicable products are available for our customers according to your different needs. Definitely, we will also provide personalized vacuum insulation panel to allow you to select their favorite products.
Vacuum insulation panel based on fiberglass core material, a new energy-efficient insulation material following the adiabatic principle for insulation, consists of three major parts: fiberglass core materials, getter materials/desiccants and high barrier laminates.
Vacuum insulation panel based on fumed silica core material consists of two major parts: fumed silica core material and high barrier laminates. As a special composite made of core materials and protective layers, it is integrated with the superiority of vacuum insulation and micro-pore heat insulation, effectively stopping convective heat transfer to perfect thermal insulation.
We customize vacuum insulation panels to meet your specific requirements. Please email us or give us a call to find more information.
With the increasing demand for thermal insulation layer in modern logistics system, there is a high rise trend on more useful volume and lighter packaging for saving transportation cost.
An extremely high thermal protectionis necessary in the transportation of medicine, fresh food, etc., with people’s highly increasing expectations on cold chain transportation.